Friday, 26 April 2013

Shopping for Fur!

There are various places where you can find real and faux fur garments. You just need to know where to look to find what you are looking for!


The only department store in the Uk that you can buy real fur from is Harrods even though the production of fur is now illegal in the UK. Here is a link to their website showing what fur items they currently have in store. The items sold in Harrods have contained beaver, chinchilla, red fox, mink, arctic fox, rabbit, wolf and squirrel. (CAFT, 2013) As you can imagine they are very expensive garments so prepare to splash the cash if you want a unique piece!

Vintage Shops

You can also purchase vintage fur garments in vintage stores all around the world! Beyond Retro (CAFT, 2013) found in Brighton, London and Sweden all sell a variety of fake fur and real fur for those vintage lovers who want to keep warm in the winter. Here is a link to their website for you to have a ganders.
Rokit also sell real fur although the majority of it is faux you can sometimes find a soft one in there. Find their fur page here.

Charity Shops

You can also find real and faux fur garments in charity shops believe it or not! Sometimes you can find it on the shop floor but most charity shop soften have a policy where they cannot keep it on the shop floor due to offending customers, but if you ask if they have any "out back" then they are allowed to escort you to see their collection. As charity shops do not refuse donations they often have a nice selection (Newton, 2012). So next time you pop in one and fancy a fur piece, ask if they have any "out back". You never know, you might be in luck.


Fur can also be bought through the web from various websites if you search in your search engine. Ebay is also good for having a browse, just make sure you specify whether you want real or faux!
Below is a list of a few websites for you:


CAFT (2013) Harrods, the Last Department Store Selling Fur [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 26 April 2013)

CAFT (2013) Beyond Retro [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 26 April 2013)

Newton, F (2012) Fur in Charity Shops, OneKind Communities, 15 October [Online]. Available at:

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